Company History
On a Friday evening, February 21, 1913, a group of local residents and property owners of Centre Square, Blue Bell, Belfry, and nearby points in Whitpain and adjoining areas, met in the large banquet hall of the Centre Square Hotel owned by Mr. Charles H. Spaeth to discuss and explore the possibilities of the establishment of a fire company. The subject received favorable consideration, a resolution was offered by Mr. C. Harry Danenhower calling for a town meeting in the Odd Fellow’s Hall on Thursday evening, February 27, 1913, to organize a fire company. The resolution was adopted and posters ordered printed announcing the meeting.
These posters were probably printed by the Ambler Gazette which did the early printing for the company since the minutes frequently directed an order be drawn in payment to the Editor of the Gazette. It was also learned at the meeting, that two of the property owners had kindly consented to dam up the water on their properties so that they may be used in case of fire. It is believed most of the houses in the vicinity could be reached from either of these lakes by the use of 1500 or 1600 feet of hose.
On the 27 of February, 1913, a group of citizens met in the second floor hall of the Odd Fellows to further consider the foundation of a fire company. Before the meeting ended, the Centre Square Fire Company of Whitpain Township came into existence with 35 of the group joining as members. As set forth in the Charter, “The said Company is formed for the purpose of the support of fire engine, hook and ladder, hose company, for the purpose of protecting life and property, in case of fire. The said Corporation is to exist perpetually.”